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  Topic -> Health Author: Slavisa Nesic   Date: 05.8.1999.

Just a Few Words on Radiation - But Who Cares?

Have you ever questioned yourself whether your TV effects your health? And how much the myriad of other domestic electric devices at your home, job and everywhere radiate powerful energy right into your body?

Either you had some thoughts about that or not, this paper will try to put some light on this subject. If you think this is not important for you ask yourself how often you use or are close to electronic devices. Then read this paper and conclude how much you are in danger yourself...

Immediate feel for electric and magnetic fields

Before believing into something you would like it to be visible and solid so you can touch it, smell it, hear it or sense it in some direct way. What we are talking here is the electromagnetic radiation through air. So how can you sense it?

Electric field can be immediately sensed under the very high voltage transmission lines of 230kV. The field can be sensed over skin and hair. Such field can have the intensity of 2 kV/m at 1m above the ground.

Magnetic field of 10 mT causes visual flickering sensation. Magnetic field of such strength cannot be normally produced by appliances.

So it seems that when considering artificial radiation caused by human appliances we usually do not feel it at all. Ok, what seems to be the trouble? Nothing. Oh, except cancer and leukemia. And a number of other unimportant stuff...

But, let me explain one thing at a time.

Strange new currents in your body

There are two sorts of current caused by emf radiation from domestic and other appliances that flows in/over your body: short-circuit current and induced current.

The short-circuit current starts in surrounding, flows through your body and ends in the surrounding. This is similar as plugging your TV cable into socket: the current from the socket "enters" the TV set through one wire of the socket, flows through TV set where it is used for making the bad stuff you listen every day, and finally returns back to the socket through the other wire. In this case you are TV.

The short circuit current flows when you are in strong electric field, usually over the surface of your skin. Some measurements are showing about 30 uA (micro amperes) currents from head to feet and into ground under the 220kV transmission lines.

Induced current is produced by changes of magnetic field. The currents are circulating through your body. Induced current has certain similarities with the discharge of accumulator in your car. In this case you are the accumulator that is being discharged. These currents are being estimated by formulas because they are hard to measure directly.

It seems we have two extra currents in our body - so what?

These extra currents are certainly changing our body condition. But how much and in what direction? If you continue reading you will know what we got.

The devil's seed


Simple case 1: it is reported from several different sources that even very small induced current STATISTICALLY INCREASE THE NUMBER OF CANCER CASES of men's breast. The same is with women breast cancer. The amount of radiation in these experiments was more then 10 times less then you get with power transformers for example (only from 0.2 - 1uT).

Simple case 2: air traffic controllers exposed to microwaves were found to have broken chromosomes. When the people were taken away from exposure the recovery began with very slow rate. The exposure frequencies are similar to those used in your cellular or mobile phones, or microwave oven. Say hallo to the rest of your chromosomes when talking over the mobile phone ...

Radiation penetrating into the head
while speaking over the cellular phone.

Simple case 3: the National Cancer Institute in the US found that in SEVEN INDUSTRIES in the Eastern US there has been a TENFOLD increase in brain tumor cases between workers exposed to microwave radiation then with other workers who was not exposed.

Simple case 4: the medical female operators exposed to their microwave equipment have 50-60% bigger miscarriage rate.

Get the idea?


Basically there are no wide and thorough scientific research on danger that domestic and industrial appliances poses on our health. But as stated previously there is quite a lot of evidence that electrical equipment should be widely avoided as far as possible, at least.

All above reports are very serious indications of what is going on. The big industries will hardly finance any more investigations on the subject because of big money involved in the production of electric appliances. Introduction of any serious protection from electric devices would lead to high prices and the intolerable loss for the greedy industry leaders.

So the essence is this: some of us will be rich and some of us will be (very) dead because they want to be rich. So simple as that.


Author: Славиша Нешић